Monday, October 12, 2009

"DEAR PAT COOPER," What happened to my father Pasquale Caputo? Love your son, Michael Caputo

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- It is with mixed emotions and concern that this last review of my father, legendary comedian Pat Cooper is posted. It is posted now in his final days of his life and not from a need to prove or defend the truth, but rather as an obligation to heighten the awareness of those readers and his fans that may innocently be unaware of his sixty-year vendetta with his biological family and now his very apparent mental illness.

– For many years my father Pat Cooper has used his biological family as a source of material for his act. It publicly became acceptable for him in this context to embellish the truth as a source of entertainment for his audience. Nobody in our family ever found anything wrong with that, actually we were all quite amused and happy for his success. For me, I felt extra special and loved hearing him talk about me in his shows and on all his albums.

- However, when my father decided to write a memoir or a book about his life, (How Dare You Say How Dare Me!) it was supposed to be an accurate account of all of his past life experiences and even some present ones. It is necessary that readers be made aware that throughout his book, the author Pat Cooper, presents many misconceptions with respect to his earlier biological family relationships and experiences. As one who lived through many of those experiences, I would have to say that my father’s book, (How Dare You Say How Dare Me!) presents to the readers and the fans with a perspective that is very much far from the truth. Somehow in his memoir my father has chosen to eliminate some very significant events. That material should have been inputted in his book in order for the reader to see what truly makes him “TICK,” and he should have added all the “hows” and “whys” he became famous and ultimately known as the angry comedian.

-The authors’ use of sensationalism throughout the book is used as a tool to entice the reader’s interest and curiosity. Perhaps the authors misinterpreted my father’s words (as they were told to his two co-authors) and would like to add or should have added some of the information in the following paragraphs below as an epilogue to insure the memoir was presented with more accuracy and completion.

– It was truly an unfortunate experience that both my biological sister and I lived through. The impact of the experience has affected both of our lives in different ways. Sometimes the true reason as to why things happen is clouded by what we imagine what they could have been if he had stayed around. Through the years, and by being a mother, my sister expressed to me several times, and has come to the realization that it would be impossible for anyone to even begin to try to rationalize the cowardice actions of any man, any parent, under any circumstances, who could turn away from his biological children, and then in turn ADOPT and PURCHASE another daughter and walk away from my sister and I like we never existed. I have learned that it was necessary to alter expectations in order to truly accept and understand the emotional limitations and hypocritical actions of this man. But it was a very painful period for both my sister and I.

– In the words of Martin Luther King: “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” Through the years, my father has consistently demonstrated that for whatever reason, he was only capable of achieving the emotional ability to stand as a dark shadow in our lives. I have always been hurt by that fact yet sadly comforted in a sense to have come to accept that to have a father who was filled with such anger and negative energy present in my life, that it would have been much MORE TOXIC to have him remain around in our lives. It is ironic that through it all, the entire one thing that we both learned from an absent father and a very present and loving mother, and grandmother, (his mother), was the true blessings of a loving family.

- It is really a shame for him that he was not only unwilling to share in all our wonderful memories and accomplishments, but also missed out on all the genuine love that truly bonds our family together. These are things we will always have, as they are truths within our heart. There is NOTHING that can take them away, not even the DECEPTIVE WORDS IN HIS BOOK AND EVASIONS OF THE REAL TRUTH IN HIS PERSONAL LIFE AND HIS STAGE PERSONA. A person can only hide behind an image for so long. Eventually, in time, the truth somehow always manages to shine through.

- Thank God for my brother’s book, “Dear Pat Cooper,” (What happened to my father Pasquale Caputo?). It is the ONLY book that has helped to show the public what really happened. I know because I am Pat Cooper’s biological daughter and I was there, too! My brother’s website,, also shows the angry and the vindictive side of our father, humiliating my brother and the rest of our family on national television, radio, print, and all social media. This is just the tip of the iceberg that my brother and I had to deal with: a loveless father who was emotionally unavailable, verbally abusive, a selfish self-centered, egotistical, angry, bitter, spiteful and unloving man. But through all that my brother has prevailed and managed to relentlessly express to a man his unconditional love and the need for a father’s love. His love of family, writing, and his tenacity is the ultimate proof of a son’s devotion and unconditional love for his absent father.  

– So to the outspoken and rude co-authors of Pat Cooper’s book and one of their very uninformed wife, the same cowardly wife who has since removed her own nasty comments about my brother on Amazon right under my brother’s personal review of our father’s book. Within forty-eight hours she immediately removed her nasty comments because of all the unexpected influx and dozens of TRUTHFUL AND UNFAVORABLE comments that followed her nasty words about my brother and what he should and shouldn’t be doing with regards to my father and their relationship or lack thereof. I guess she learned her lesson and quickly realized that she was the catalyst who started all the controversy under Pat Cooper’s unfavorable book reviews.   

- So I say to ANYONE else who feels compelled to conjecture on what they perceive as being truth, let me make it clear to ALL of you one last time. Since all of you were NOT there, are NOT related to us, have NOT walked in our shoes, you have NO basis or NO right to offer any opinion. Your perceptions are clearly and only based on the false image that Pat Cooper has portrayed to you through the years. Therefore, please do not be so bold and arrogant as to make suggestions as to offering this man, Pat Cooper, OUR FATHER, unconditional love nor contacting my brother Michael Caputo by phone, social media, or by sending him hateful emails.

- And may I also add that I, Michael Caputo, and Pat Cooper’s only son received numerous calls while I was living in Miami Beach in the summer of 2014 and was told by my father’s close friends that my father Pat Cooper is a generous, kind loving man, and a devout philanthropist because he had recently donated $100,000 to the St. Jude Children’s Hospital and Clinic. That was truly a wonderful gesture and I agreed with his friend on that one. But once again, I must add that NONE of you were there when my sister and I were in Family Court numerous times at seven and five years old, crying and tugging at my mother’s dress because she was there for hours in family court with us trying to get a measly $40 a week from Pat Cooper so she could put food on our dinner table. And may I also add that we lived in my grandmother’s house (Pat Cooper’s mother’s house) rent free for 8 years because he refused to pay the rent and told his mother to kick us out if her rent was not being paid.

- So I ask you all again and reiterate, to the co-authors, their wives and the dear friends of Pat Cooper to please keep your comments, memories, and devotion about Mr. Cooper to yourself and stop trying to convince me, Pat Cooper’s son, that my father is and has been a good father. Stop telling me that I am the son and should be the one to reach out again for the hundredth time and reconcile. I have reached out to my father my whole life and the whole purpose of my book (which took me five years to write) was to reach out to him once again. Nothing ever worked! To all of you, not related; he might be a good friend, a great comic, but certainly without a doubt has portrayed himself in all of the media, past and present, a man that has proven himself to be an emotionally unavailable angry father and a vindictive son!  

- Sadly, time has long passed and love was something Pat Cooper should have offered his biological children and family many years ago. No matter how loud he bellows trying to convince himself and the world otherwise, the truth is: HE NEVER TRIED TO BE OUR FATHER. He instead substituted by ADOPTING and PURCHASING another child back in 1970 and harbored resentment for those who tried to help him acknowledge his responsibilities as a father to his two biological children. I guess that was easier; to be a coward and turn away. Perhaps maybe these actions were not totally generated by him but rather from the fear, possessiveness and insecurity harbored by his new hypocritical religious adulterous wife, Patti Prince. This is something I will never know, understand, nor does it have any significance in justifying any of his prior actions. But it still saddens me and now I am truly concerned about his mental health and who is really there for him now. His co-author/agent also told me that he no longer speaks to his adopted daughter and her husband anymore. Now he really has nobody, and I feel everyone in his camp, on and off his payroll are taking advantage and sabotaging him in his old age.

– However, there is one thing I do know and that is that I still love and care about him.  The feelings that this man has left me with are not only those of anger, but rather pity. It is so pitiful that my father has invested so much energy and time in trying to blame others and make excuses for all of his poor choices, that sadly his entire life has passed by without knowing and experiencing the love of both his beautiful biological children and family. It is incomprehensible to even begin to imagine how a SON could lack compassion and refuse to reconcile with his own loving MOTHER and FATHER before they passed on.

- It is even more pitiful that his egocentrically personality has blinded him to be able to see or acknowledge that through the years it wasn’t only all about him and his feelings. He sadly doesn’t even realize that his constant “saga” of personal persecution, which he continually reveals throughout the book, consistently portrays him as an insensitive, selfish and lonely sole. It seems that Pat Cooper is always throwing a perpetual tantrum and playing ‘the victim’ about things that didn’t go his way. He appears to be a man who was never happy in either his personal or professional life. It is really quite sad that at this point in his life he still has a need to publicly justify his actions by ridiculing his family and his famous colleagues in show business on all the trash media that will have him on just to boost their ratings.

- Perhaps maybe he still yearns to somehow be connected to his biological family and this is unfortunately the only way he knows how. I guess it is true that “nothing is more wretched than the mind of a man conscious of guilt.” It’s quite ironic that even though he dismissed himself from any part of my sister’s life and mine, we still, in a sense, somehow feel sorry for this man. As I have said; I have learned to accept his emotional limitations, but realistically I will always be disheartened by all the anger and resentment he still possesses about two innocent children and a wonderful loving mother he never had the courage or took the time to know. I am thoroughly relieved that both my biological sister and I, Michael and Louise Caputo are VOID of this gene!!

– In conclusion here are some final words for the man who fathered me, the SPERM DONOR, as some call him, and oh yes, I must not forget to add and acknowledge the ONE obligation that Pat Cooper actually fulfilled and constantly reminded me of throughout the years: That he was FORCED to pay the meager “Court Ordered” child support, yes the meager “COURT ORDERED” child support for my sister and I until we both turned 21 years old.

- Dad, we both know that it cost you a lot more than the $90 every week you resentfully sent us for child support than it cost you to shop around, hire lawyers, adopt, and purchase another child back in 1970. I am quite sure that she cost you thousands of dollars, yet you cried to the judge that you had no money back then to pay for our medical coverage, braces for our teeth, rent to your mother for living in her house for free, catholic school, or any of our clothes and food. Where did all the money come from to pay for that little adopted girl that you and your new wife Patti Prince purchased around that same time?

- For years you have made others laugh, but to those like myself who know the truth, your memoir exposes the most significant tragedy of Pasquale Caputo’s life and legacy, which is that you still have not yet been able to release all the sadness that dwells inside your own heart. You are truly incapable of love, giving it or accepting it. I truly hope that your personal torment will someday end and that you can face the truth to free yourself of all the anger and anxiety that has so totally consumed you for your entire life. It is only then that genuine love, happiness, and peace will find their way into your hardened heart. It’s not too late…. you should try it… it is a wonderful feeling… We as a family have felt it for years!

- I also feel sad and scared for you that in the last days of your life you will die alone, deaf, blind, without love, in one room, maybe wearing diapers, maybe in a hospital, exactly like your clinically depressed father did, another family member with whom you also didn’t make peace with before he died. This is the way it is going to end for you, too, and that is the part that most concerns me. And remember, this was all YOUR choice!

- Another disturbing moment while listening to some of the audio in 2012 of you on the Opie and Anthony radio show, ranting and raving for fifty minutes with such anger, hate, and using profanity against Howard Stern and his daughter, was when I realized and knew with certainty that something had changed in you for the worse and that something was with your mental health. I cried that day because I knew that wasn’t entertainment anymore and this wasn’t my father. I was in disbelief that your friends and agent hadn’t intervened before you would say something on that trash media show you might regret. I knew from the conversation on the show that day that that wasn’t the quick-witted talented comedian and funny man that I had remembered from years past. That just gave me another reason to reach out again and actually try and find out where your family was and who really had your back.

-  It took me almost three years to get up the nerve to come looking for you because I was sick and tired of always being rejected by you. But I swallowed my pride again and decided to go to your apartment building myself and thought I could maybe find out some of the answers to my questions. But now I sadly know you haven’t changed one bit, not even after writing a memoir that is supposed to be cathartic. And from our very last phone conversation where you stated to me that I wasn’t welcomed in or anywhere near your home, and you distinctly told me twice, to let you die in peace and die the way you chose to die, I was left speechless. I am a man of my word Dad, and I promise to respect your wishes, but I am still not comfortable leaving you in that ill state of mind that is so apparent to everyone now. The only good thing that can come out of all this is: I can finally move on with my life and your minions can never say that I didn’t try hard enough. Maybe now they will finally leave me alone, too!

- I still love you, Dad, and I am still hurt by all the calls from your friends and very disgusted knowing that your son-in-law, the one that you hired and left in control of all of your social media pages: your Wikipedia page and your Facebook Page has now been diminished to the point of disgrace and embarrassment. Also, to add insult to injury this son-in-law of yours has closed down your website page, The only thing that remains on your website is a picture of you with a yellow banner over your mouth stating: CLOSED until further notice.

- I worry and I am very concerned for your safety and well-being and I believe that your adopted daughter and her husband do not have your best interest at heart, anymore. That was another reason why I took a trip to your apartment just to see for myself what conditions you were living in. It scared me half to death and brought flashbacks and memories of your father right before he died.

- It was confirmed to me once again by your agent/co-author that you really did have a falling out with your adopted daughter and her husband and that you have fired Steve, your agent, and you have officially retired. I guess that your son-in-law is no longer on your payroll and the paychecks have finally stopped.

- Dad, the only part of your website your son-in-law left up was this picture of you that I posted below just for you to see what he is doing to your profile’s on-line. This behavior is utterly disgraceful to a man and a legend whose career has spanned for more than six decades. Here is a man, my father Pasquale Caputo, aka Pat Cooper, who has taken care of his adopted daughter and her husband for years and now at the end of his life, with failing physical and mental health, they are paying him back by treating him like a senile worthless old man.

- I forgive you Dad and remember we are blood. I am always here for you, even if you just need a hug!


Anonymous said...

This is a truly inspiring story.

Unknown said...

Hi Mike, I honestly cannot wait to get my hands on your book this weekend. I look forward to entering your world and understand everything you endured from childhood until now. I'm sure its going to be a very good read!

Carmela Kissell said...

Hi Michael,I highly recommend your book. It was excellent. I read it in 3 days. I wish you all the best. I am sure you will do well.

Best Wishes,
Carmela Kissell

Joanie said...

Michael, It is a great book, a beautiful story and so very well written. Pat Cooper might be a good comedian but he is a very foolish man. He could have had it all, his career and what matters most his FAMILY. It is very sad! Everyone should read this amazing book, especially his fans...they will finally see the true person Pat Cooper really is. Congratulations to you Michael!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Michael on a wonderful book. It was an unfortunate experience that we both lived through. The impact of the experience has affected each of our lives in different ways. However, ironically the one thing that we both learned from an absent father was the importance of family. It is really a shame that he missed out on all our wonderful memories. We will always have those. No one can take them away. One can only hide behind an image for so long. Eventually the truth somehow always manages to come through. Your book has helped to make that happen. I wish you the best! LuAnn

John F said...

Your writing really brought Louise to life. I was very moved by your bond and with her passing.

Anonymous said...

A very well written book by a son who wanted his father's love.
I highly recommend this book for everyone.
Congratulations Michael.


joey horn said...

I really enjoyed reading this book. It's an honest, heartfelt recollection of a son's relationship with his father, or lack thereof. The author's description of his childhood in Brooklyn with weekends at the beach in Coney Island is touching. While one would think that the central figure is the author's father, it really is the grandmother, Louise Caputo. She's the ultimate Italian American matriarch who raises her children and grandchildren with love and respect. I could literally smell and taste her dinners! I laughed and cried while reading this book; the pages just kept turning as I wanted to see if there was a resolution at the end. I highly recommend this book to everyone of all ages. There is so much we can learn from it.

Anonymous said...

BRAVO! Your book showed the TRUTH behind the scenes of some celebrity fathers, and how twisted and convoluted some peoples reality really is. I felt everything you felt while reading, and I loved how every emotion in your life came alive during this read. You truly got the last word in this saga with your father, the last word being the TRUTH that the world can read for themselves. Thank you for sharing your life to the rest of the world!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mike, what a great book about love for family, friends and self. You are one the nicest person i've met in my life, and that't a long life. And like you, we have more life to live and LOVE!

John said...

Great book Mike ! What a special relationship you had with your grandmother. I loved reading about your childhood, brought back some good memories of my own.

It is incredible Pat Cooper can be so stubborn and foolish to flush his relationship with you and your family down the drain.

Anonymous said...

Good job, Michael! It is a shame that some parents choose to miss out on the most wonderful pleasure and wealth their kids are, and the love they have to give. Kudos to your grandmother and your mom for doing such a marvelous job raising you and your sister the way they did. You turned out great! Hope your book, and especially your story is an inspiration for any child who finds him/her-self in a situation like yours.
Congrats again!
The girls -

christine brooking said...

This is a must read for anyone who has ever heard the mad ravings of Pat Cooper the comedian. Previous to reading this book I was a fan of Pat's humor and first heard him on the Howard Stern show, since reading about his life through his son's eye's I have a very different opinion of him.
Michael Caputo's story is heartfelt and I could really feel the emotion he poured in to this book, this could not have been a very easy story to tell.Michael was blessed with an amazing Grandmother and I came away from the book just feeling sorry for Pat Cooper and the fact that he missed out on so many meaningful relationships in his life. Well done Michael! You should feel proud!

Javier P. said...

I read the book in 7 days going to work in the morning, going to school in the evening, and going home at night. It was a very good book and it always had me wondering what was going to happen next. I would recommend it to anyone with a heart and any family. Congrats MC!

tricia said...

excellent book i was reading it i actually was able to visualize everything....goodluck!! love tricia

Carol said...

I enjoyed this book incredibly and the pain that you experienced from your father's wrath comes through loud and clear.
More importantly however, your love for your grandmother was incredible and your relationship outweighed your father's absence and made you the better person you are today.

Good luck to you in your future.

Hiram said...

Hiram here Michael,
It took me a while to read this book, but not for the reasons that one might assume. Michael Caputo is an excellent writer and conveys the events of his struggle to get the love and respect that any son desires from the first and most important male figure in a young man’s life, his father. This story hit close to home because of my own struggle to understand why my own father chose to abandon his family and start a new one. This story is so moving that I found it at time’s difficult to turn the page as there are so many similarities to my own relationship, or lack there of with my father and this opened old wounds and painful memories for me. Unlike Mr. Caputo, I did not seek to pursue my father’s attention. Michael’s grandmother is a stellar symbol of what the women in our families do to keep their families together after the male has chosen to leave, again as my own mother did. Michael Caputo tells the story of hundreds of family’s with son’s and daughters with no male figure to turn to for guidance. As I continued on in the story, I kept hoping that at some point Pat Cooper, the man, would revert to Pasquale Caputo, the father and say to his son, “I love you and want to spend as much time with you as my career allows!” I think that Michael would have been happy with that. Every page and chapter, I continued to hold out hope and faith that Michael Caputo would gain that which he sort so desperately and passionately, his father’s love, respect and recognition. Finally, coming to the realization that in the end, we must first love ourselves and those who in our most troubling and joyous times are always their for us.

Hiram W. Tarleton
Elmhurst, Queens, NY.
Friend and Fan.
January, 2010

Anonymous said...

Hi Michael, I loved the book and relived so many of my own memories in the same places you did. I was fortunate and had a great Dad and Mom, and hearing your story makes me appreciate that - so much more. Aunt Louisa was always my favorite, even though her mustache scratched my face when ever she kissed me. :)

Kevin said...

Mike, Outstanding read! Yours is truly inspirational story. I applaud you for delivering this information in such a heartfelt manner. You really took me on a journey. A worthy tribute for the mothers and grandmothers that give so much to make us better people!

Tantris said...

Read this book in one setting in one night! Touching . I am an Italian American from South Philadelphia (Born 1958) now living in Norway and always trying to reconnect to my Italo-American heritage and memories. Your book restored many memories as well as your dad’s brilliant humor, unfortunately one must divide the man from the artist in Pat Cooper’s case. The book leaves one wanting more, perhaps you should write a larger more substantial history of your family- so PLEASE DO Tesoro. I ordered your book from Amazon and I guess I was the first buyer in Norway!

Unknown said...

I just finished your book. Congratulations on writing such a beautiful memoir. Not only is the story so captivating but it is written with such a clarity and flow that I found it incredibly enjoyable. So many moments in the book affected me and made me think about my relationship with my own father. The beauty of your love for grandmother and her eventual passing mirrored my own feelings towards the lose of my own grandmother. At times I wanted to reach through the book and clock your father and I wanted to reach through and put my arms around you and tell you that you don't need that man who claims to be your "Dad".
I've known you from the gym for years and now I feel as if I truly know you. From your days as a struggling actor to your current profession as a masseuse, I felt like I could empathy and relate with so much that you had written. I enjoyed your book so much I finished it in two days. Didn't want to put it down. I had no idea you worked with Geraldo and was actually a guest on the show. So many fascinating bits.
We have so much to talk about.
All the best and congrats on this fantastic work of art and life.

Mark said...

I can still remember my father and I listening to your father's albums, and belly-laughing all the way. Only today did I realize your family and mine were both Barese. Now I know why Pat always seemed like part of the family, even though we never met.

Wishing you all the best.

Mark Bellezza

Anonymous said...

you were great on bob grant :) i am so sorry for your loss, in a sense...but so many familes have experienced the weirdness of life, with the extra hurt of him being in another you think he's mentally ill? good for you for having done so well, and for the women in your life who looked out for hurt your mother must have been....i will pray for him and for your family...i must tell you, i have never liked his 'humor' he was too angry for me - i have not thought he was funny....i hope you find love and pass it on to sons and daughters....God bless and may you bring hope and healing to others...

Anonymous said...

I read the book in one sitting. It is a stunning testament to your grandmother's unconditional love and strength of character. You are so very fortunate to have her and your mother as your foundation. While you did not get what you wanted by way of your dad, you certainly got what you needed from two remarkable women. Congratulations on your courage and determination in writing this book and exposing your deepest heartfelt emotions. Your account illustrates the complex and often ironic tides of family and self. May Pasquale Caputo rest in peace and Pat Cooper repent.

Richard Zangrillo

Unknown said...

Hello, Michael

My wife and I heard you being interviewed on the "Bob Grant Show" yeaterday....

A sad story...I hope your Dad comes to understand what he has lost..


Anonymous said...

Interesting book and a fascinating family story.

Anonymous said...

Hello Mike..what a great story...I love reading everything about your grandmother..what a wonderful wise and funny women...your family were blessed to have her in your life..

jprice_ny said...

Hi Michael,
This is James Price from The Acting Studio, Inc. Remember your old Meisner teacher? You sold me your fish and tank when we were on W21st ST. Glad to find you. Rose Zingale and I have been looking for you, and she found the page.

Would love to friend you on facebook and catch you in the flesh sometime soon.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mike,

I loved the book. It is a meaningful story.

John Montalbano

Unknown said...

You have left a legacy to all who have pain in their hearts by not having love from a parent. Your book will give them the medicine to help heal their broken hearts. Your book is inspiring. Thank you and thanks to your loving mother.

June Conner

Leo said...

My family is also from Mola di Bari and I must say that in the Molese community the general opinion is that Pat Cooper is a talented comedian but horrible family man. I've listened to him on radio shows lately and he speaks of recent trips to Italy and the Italian lifestyle very endearingly, as if to concede to your grandmother's words about one's roots. Your dad's dilemma is very cultural. Again, my dad is from that town. The men from that part of italy & generation have the delusion they are princes. Their mothers/sisters/wives are their servants...along with their children! It will always be about them and their life perception is sadly damaged. You seem like a true gentleman...and be thankful you were surrounded by such loving female figures. As smart as your father may be, he has never really done any reflection or introspection as you have. Feel blessed.

Anonymous said...

Hi Michael,
Congratulations on your book. I remember you and LuAnn from our days at SRL. Luann and I graduated in 73. You have both done so well for yourselves in spite of your father. Consider yourself lucky that your mom had the sense to get away from him. He would've poisoned you guys too. I wish you continued success and please give Luann my love. We used to be friends.
All the best,
Madelyn Buckley O'Boyle

EL C said...

Dear Pat Cooper is a compelling story told with both sensitivity and heartfelt emotion. Its author Michael Caputo bravely opens up to his readers about his father, comedian Pat Cooper. The book ironically reveals another side of Mr. Cooper which opposes what he has perpetually proclaimed to be true.
Throughout the book Mr. Caputo candidly shares the pain, rejection and disappointment that he and his sister had to endure as a result of their father's unwillingness to give and receive love. The author captivates his audience with his vivid descriptions and detailed accounts of both the people and experiences of his childhood. Although his story affirms the sad reality that the impact of a father's rejection is everlasting, Mr. Caputo also provides the reader with a sense of hope by revealing the healing emotional strength he gained from his strong bond with his mother, grandmother and the loving Italian family that surrounded him. After reading the book one cannot help but be left with a sense of disappointment with Pat Cooper as both a comedian and a father for the years of deceit he has presented to his audience. A great book written by Michael Caputo!

Anonymous said...

hey mike, the book was great i got the chills in the last 2 chapters. i remember ur grandma and she was a great person. u only have 1 dad and 1 mom, some r fortunet to have the love and respect for them and vise versa. u dont know what u have til u loose it, i know i miss mine terribly. well anyway im very proud of u and keep up the good work. u look awesome in ur pic this is mary d

Gail in Brooklyn said...

Dear Michael,

Thank you for sharing this wonderful interview.
I met your grandmother many years ago. I visited her house once, with your Aunt Carol, and saw her at Carol's just about every time I visited her.
She was a lovely lady, and I always enjoyed seeing her.

I look forward to reading your book.

Gail Middleton

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike!
No, I haven't gotten the book & with my finances not a priority(nothing personal!) BUT I have seen the YOUTUBE bits with you & Pat & must say you are not alone, obviously. Most parents of the OLD generation were very neanderthal in their reasons to defensive,they're right you're wrong. I can relate to your problems. And watching your interview w/ Geraldo to Pacheco I can see a shift in your energy towards this issue. You have made leaps & bounds & wish all those who have this problem could be like you...ain't easy. It's sad because I was such a HUGE fan of Pat & still am but a bit stand offish. He used to live near me in NYC off Jane Street & would bump into him. Could see how he can be a mediocre dad!
Thanks for sharing your life with the world & may you receive peace as a reward for this!!

Barbara B said...

Michael your book was moving and compelling and from my eye witness account totally accurate. I hope it was cleansing to your soul and allows you to let go of the things we can't change and cherish the wonderful memories of your grandmother

Anonymous said...

Michael your book was moving and compelling and from my eye witness account totally accurate. I hope it was cleansing to your soul and allows you to let go of the things we can't change and cherish the wonderful memories of your grandmother

Arlene Ray said...

Michael, You know I loved your book. I told you so at your Mom's wake today. She was a wonderful person who was so proud of you and your sister.
It's Pat Cooper's great loss not to be in your lives.
Arlene Ray

Anonymous said...

My husband asked me if I wanted to go see Pat Cooper and so I Googled his name to see who he is...which led me to your web site. I think I'll pass, and buy your book instead. Please learn from his mistakes and not do the same to your family.


BOB said...

I use to live next door to Pat Cooper when he live on Second Place.. I went to school with his sister Conchata...I remember when Pat use to hang out in Harry the Barber shop and get the coffee...I meet him a few times at clubs when he became famous, But he didn't like talking about the old days and really wasn't very friendly.But I have to say he is a funny guy..... Angry..BUT funny.Sometimes I think he is a very unhappy man.